At 5th Vapor, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and social responsibility in all aspects of our operations. This includes our firm stance against modern slavery and human trafficking in any form. As part of our dedication to transparency and accountability, we present our Modern Slavery Statement to outline our efforts in combating these abhorrent practices within our supply chains and business operations.

Our Commitment

5th Vapor recognizes that modern slavery and human trafficking are grave violations of human rights and dignity. We are dedicated to taking proactive measures to prevent, detect, and eliminate any instances of these abuses within our sphere of influence. Our commitment extends throughout our supply chains, partnerships, and interactions with stakeholders.

Supplier Due Diligence

We hold our suppliers to the highest standards of ethical conduct. Prior to engaging in any business relationship, we conduct thorough due diligence to assess their compliance with anti-slavery and human trafficking laws. We expect our suppliers to adhere to all relevant regulations and standards, including those related to labor practices, fair wages, and working conditions.

Employee Awareness and Training

Educating our employees is key to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking. We provide regular training sessions to raise awareness about the signs of exploitation, the importance of ethical sourcing, and reporting mechanisms for any concerns or suspicions. By empowering our employees with knowledge, we enhance our collective ability to identify and address potential risks.

Continuous Improvement

5th Vapor is committed to continuously improving our policies, procedures, and practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking effectively. We regularly review and update our supply chain management processes, conduct risk assessments, and engage with stakeholders to stay informed about emerging issues and best practices in this field.

Reporting Mechanisms

We encourage anyone, including employees, suppliers, or members of the public, to report any suspicions or concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking within our operations or supply chains. Reports can be made confidentially and without fear of reprisal through our designated channels, which are accessible via our website or through direct contact with our ethics and compliance team.


At 5th Vapor, we recognize that eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking requires collective action and unwavering commitment. We are dedicated to playing our part in this global effort and will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that our business practices align with our values of integrity, respect, and social responsibility.